
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

High Ground Mission Report

Remember the movie High Ground ?  Well - Kanani - a wonderful Military spouse and mom, is helping to promote the movie. She has been lucky enough to meet some of our Great QOV'ers across the country.... here is her Mission Report.

This month High Ground continues finding new footsoldiers.  In June, I
visited the Southern California Quilts of Valor Foundation in Long Beach,
CA.  Information about High Ground was accepted with enthusiasm. Barbara
Winkler  (at right, in the white shirt) is interested in sponsoring a Tugg
screening in Long Beach, as well as attending any previews in L.A.

This is the local chapter of the larger Quilts of Valor Foundation. Each
week, volunteers of all ages gather in a well-organized and lit room in a
quilting shop.  When I arrived, the room was buzzing with the sound of
sewing machines and the soft clip of scissors. Here, they not only start
new quilts, but finish others that have been sent to them from around the

To date, the quilters have finished 250 quilts so far. Last year they
presented 510 to veterans touched by war. Overall, this local group has
completed 2,010 with the quilts being presented personally, at the VA, or
mailed to the recipient.  This small group covers all the costs, hence,
they are interested in a Tugg screening to help them defray the expenses of
the quilts.

We look forward to working with them!   -Kanani

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