Enter the People’s Choice! The 2019 QOV Summer Mystery is solved!
Although the mystery is solved, there is still time for everyone to make the mystery QOV and enter the People’s Choice!
First, make the mystery quilt. QOVF member Sandy Berg’s QOV Mystery quilt free pattern is available here.
Second, submit a picture of your QOV TOP for the “PEOPLE’S CHOICE.”
- Send a picture attached (e.g., JPG file) to an email
to SummerMystery@QOVF.org
- Please note pictures within the body of an email
will be returned and not accepted
- Your top will be posted with just a number, no name
- Deadline for submission is September 15, 2019
(11:45pm Eastern)
Third, voting! Everyone may who visits QOVF website may vote on-line for their favorite version of the mystery QOV. Tell your family and friends! Only one vote per person, please.
- There are prizes* for the makers of the three quilts with the most votes:
Prize: $100 gift certificate
Prize $75 gift certificate
Prize: $50 gift certificate
* Prizes were donated by an anonymous donor.
Stay tuned for the opening of VOTING !!
Questions? Contact SummerMystery@QOVF.org
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