
Monday, September 3, 2012

Kingsley Field

 This was one of the most amazing and humbling days of my life. Cindy R. and Patti K and their husbands allowed me to join them in doing this presentation to a unit from Oregon recently
returned from doing security duty out side the Blue line. We presented 26

Cindy R. did all of the foot work on this one for us and kept up a
running communication with the coordinator until they finally gave in and
allowed us to share in their demobilization ceremonies.

Cindy was able to give her quilt to the soldier who was her inspiration to
gather these quilts and Patti gave her first QOV ever away. She is
jumping in with both feet and presenting 17 more quilts at the early hour
of 7:00am on the 3rd of August at the same post, she will have a helper in
Shantelle another of our Oregon QOV'ers.

Thank-you all for your dedication to QOV.

Still quilting to comfort thos who help to keep us free.


Submitted by
J. Marie N.

QOV Coordinator for Oregon

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