QOV was on display on February 11 and 12, 2011, during the Valley Quilters Guild Quilt Show. There were muslin squares (45” X 45”) available for people to sign or add some artwork. A total of eight of these squares were completed by those attending the show. A lot of people knew about the organization and generously donated funds for future supplies. This is a great way to get funding since the works of the quilters were displayed on the walls in the hallway leading to the QOV area as well as in the QOV space. One quilt was awarded to an 80+ former woman Marine, she selected the quilt with the eagle by the doorway. Interestingly, an 84 year-old woman made six of these quilts and was quite proud of her work inviting her neighbors to come and see them as well. People came through the door, signed the partial backings and dropped some folding money in the container to boot. In other words, a fun time was had by all; and honoring our Veterans was the theme.
~Suzanne Wade, Regional Coordinator
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