Yesterday I got up early and hit the ground running. I hustled and bustled to get all my chores done and make preparations because this was going to be a very special day! My friend Debby and I were invited to attend two Veteran’s Day Assemblies and present Quilts of Valor. How exciting is that??
Our first stop was Eastmont Junior High. It is a huge school with a very large student body. There was a lot of activity and noise in the Gym as the students gathered for the Assembly. The student Master of Ceremonies took the microphone and announced the Veterans Day assembly would begin with the presentation of the colors. A stillness fell over the room. The only sound was the click of the shoes and abrupt commands of the color guard. The choir sang the national anthem. All of the students were on their feet with hands on their hearts. It was really quite touching. A short history of Veteran’s Day was read. and then the program continued. Staff members with children serving in the Armed forces were recognized, then Veterans from the School District were acknowledged, and finally three staff members were called up. Debby and I were honored to present Quilts of Valor to these three teachers. The students listened intently to the QOV story and then gave thunderous applause as their teachers were handed thequilts. The closing ceremony was the retiring of the colors and taps. It was a wonderful experience.
Our second presentation was Cascade Elementary School. It was fun to watch to students assemble, sort of like herding puppies. When the Principal stepped to the microphone and told the purposed of the gathering and the expectations the room fell quiet. The students recited the pledge of allegiance, read little verses pertinent to the day and sang patriotic songs. Then a little boy stood with pride as he spoke of his daddy and of his service to our country. When he finished his tribute he introduced his Daddy. Debby and I helped him present his father with a Quilt of Valor and the son threw his arms around his Dad’s Neck. We were so blessed to be able to share in that moment.
As we celebrate Veteran’s Day let’s keep in mind the commitment, and personal sacrifices those serving and have served have made. May they always be treated with honor and respect and know they have our gratitude.
Lori Kutch
Deputy Director
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