
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Moda Stars Quilt

Here is a quilt top I made  today with Moda stars.  I am getting it ready to be shown at a quilt guild where I
will be speaking next Thursday evening.

The panel is called Tribute to 911 and I got it through  Ruby and Tom are venders of fabric and
panels that I see often at quilt shows.  They have it on back order,
if you are interested.

I hope everyone is taking it easy with the extreme heat!

submitted by
Cynthia C


  1. Wonderful use of the stars with the panel. Will be thinking of you as you give the talk and hoping that others will be motivated to join in our cause!! Great work!!

  2. I love the simplicity of the panel and the stars. Thanks for the inspiration. This idea would work well on any panel.
